In October 2011 Barbara Anderson led representatives from Senior Services of Alexandria and the Alexandria Bar Association in conducting the first joint Senior Law Day. Held at First Baptist Church on King Street in Alexandria, this informative meeting drew more than 250 residents to learn about critical estate planning documents and what can happen if we fail to implement plans to protect our families and property. Experts from several law firms, social workers and financial planners discussed a tragic, real-life case in which they all were involved and pointed out how the pitfalls could have been avoided to save the family significant money and heartache. A variety of local care providers, financial institutions, and financial planners sponsored the free event and gave information to participants.
The initial event was a success and Senior Law Day has been presented every year since 2011. Topics have included: planning to age in place; housing options; planning ahead for long term care; services available for seniors in Alexandria; avoiding the appointment of a guardian and/or conservator; the intersection of family law and estate planning; and identifying and protecting yourself and your loved ones from scams and fraud. Every program includes a discussion of the basics of estate planning documents. Barbara Anderson chaired the event for several years and Natalie Page has been a long-term member of the planning committee and frequent presenter.
Senior Law Day is a great way to gather information about matters of concern to seniors and their families!
The order isotretinoin online overnight shipping 2020 Senior Law Day, originally scheduled for June, was postponed because of the Covid-19 pandemic, but watch for the rescheduled event!